What advice would you give to the younger generation?

Our latest project involves asking insightful questions to our 60+ age group that makes them reflect on enriched life experiences as well as promote invaluable insights to the wider community.


The purpose of this project?

60+Club runs various projects to better understand Australian’s over the age of 60. We hope to provide your wealth of knowledge, experiences and perspective to the wider public by offering wisdom, life lessons and experience to better educate our younger generation.

If you have any advice you feel the younger generation would benefit, share it with us (and them) here…


Life Lessons From three 100-Year-Olds

We asked three centenarians what their most valuable life lessons were, and also their regrets.

The conversations that followed were remarkable. They talked about the importance of family, people, relationships and love. Their view on life, as an elderly citizen with a lot of experience is truly an inspiration and motivation. Enjoy the video!

Video by LifeHunters

No Life Regrets with five 90-Year-Olds

In this mini documentary, Derrik Mirochnik sits down with five elderly people and discuss their lives, any advice they have to share, and their regrets.

The lovely people interviewed are: Paul Kimball, Susan Rossi, Gretta Pollack, Roy Gatreel and Anita Ehrenbeiger.

Video by Derrik Mirochnik

70 People Aged 5-75: Advice For Someone Younger Than You?

Glamour asks 70 people between the ages of 5 to 75: What advice you give to someone younger than you?

Video by Glamour

What other advice people have shared…

“Don’t be so quick to judge. Give people a chance to show you who they are. Be in the moment so that when someone gives you a deep insight you are present to acknowledge it and remember it. The two most important things that we are here to do: love one another and forgive one another. If we can spend our lives trying to master those two things then we will have had a life well lived!”
Beverly, 70, International

“Only promise what you can achieve and do not give advice unless it is something you would do.”
Terry Turner, 69, NSW

“People always say, “Make sure you get a job doing what you love!” But that isn’t the best advice. The right job is the job you love some days, can tolerate most days, and still pays the bills. Almost nobody has a job they love every day.”

“Years go by in the blink of an eye. Don’t marry young. Live your life. Go places. Do things. If you have the means or not. Pack a bag and go wherever you can afford to go. While you have no dependents, don’t buy stuff. Any stuff. See the world. Look through travel magazines and pick a spot. GO!”

“Don’t take life so seriously. Even if things seem dark and hopeless, try to laugh at how ridiculous life is.”

“A true friend will come running if you call them at 12am; everyone else is just an acquaintance.”

“The most important person in your life is the person who agreed to share their life with you. Treat them as such.”

“Children grow up way too fast. Make the most of the time you have with them.”

“Nobody ever dies wishing they had worked more… Work hard, but don’t prioritise work over family, friends, or even yourself.”

“You might live a long life, or you might live a short one – who knows. But either way, trust me when I say that you’re going to wish you took better care of yourself in your youth.”

“If you’re getting overwhelmed by life, just return to the immediate present moment and savour all that is beautiful and comforting. Take a deep breath, relax.”

“Eat and exercise like you’re a diabetic heart patient with a stroke – so you never actually become one.”

“Maybe this one isn’t as profound as the others, but I think it’s important… Floss regularly, dental problems are awful.”

“Don’t take anyone else’s advice as gospel. You can ask for advice from someone you respect, then take your situation into consideration and make your own decision. Essentially, take your own advice is my advice…”

“Stuff is just stuff. Don’t hold onto material objects, hold onto time and experiences instead.”

“The joints you damage today will get their revenge later. Even if you think they’ve recovered completely. Trust me!”

“I would say to appreciate the small things and to be present in the moment. What do I mean? Well, it seems today like younger people are all about immediate gratification. Instead, why not appreciate every small moment? We don’t get to stay on this crazy/wonderful planet forever and the greatest pleasure can be found in the most mundane of activities. Instead of sending a text, pick up the phone and call someone. Call your mother, have a conversation about nothing in particular. Those are the moments to hold onto.”

“Pay your bills and stay the hell out of debt. If I could have paid myself all the money I’ve paid out in interest over the years, I’d be retired already.”

“Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your significant other, because who else are you supposed to trust?”

“If you have a dream of being or doing something that seems impossible, try for it anyway. It will only become more impossible as you age and become responsible for other people.”

“You should not prepare yourself only for a job, but you should prepare yourself for a profession.”
Avijit Chaudhury

“I’m 81 years old. One thing that brings you happiness in old age that is hard for a young person to understand, is how my life has played out, I got the chance. By the time you’re 81, you know dozens of people that died much younger, in their 30’s and 40’s and 50’s from accidents, suicide, rare diseases, you name it. So just by being alive still, my heart fills with gratefulness that I got at least 81 years to experience life. When I was young, I would have thought that sounded pathetic, to be so easily made happy that waking up and having chats, or reading the paper, or walking outside would fill me with joy. When you’re young, that’s never enough. You feel like you need to leave your mark and make a big name for yourself. But a funny thing happens as you age. You live long enough to see some people you know become big shots, became rich or famous in some way, but most aren’t made much happier by it, and some become lost when the notoriety fades. And then loving life for the small things starts to shift from feeling pathetic and small, to feeling wise and full. In fact, if life has taught me anything, it’s that the reason we’re here is to be present with the privilege of each moment, as much as possible. Thinking about your goals tomorrow matter of course, and cherishing yesterday’s memories. But more than anything, I think what has kept me healthy and happy is appreciating the privilege of each moment. When you’re a little kid, that’s how you think. You appreciate recess at school, or going down a sliding board, or a walk through the woods. DON’T LOSE THAT. That, whatever that is, is the reason we’re here. Being connected to small moments so strongly that they feel large. If you can do that well, you can enjoy being 80 as much as 40 or 20.”
WP, 81.



Share your advice | Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this project?
60PlusClub runs various projects to better understand Australian’s over the age of 60. Those over 60 years young bring a wealth of knowledge, experiences and a greater perspective to all facets of life.

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No. Your details are kept only for this project, and will not be given away for any third party service or business.

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Yes. At any point in time, you can ask to have your post removed from your website. Alternatively, you can share your post ‘anonymously’ so that you don’t need to have any concerns about having your details removed later on.

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