Looking after your health + wellbeing after 60 eBook

Volume 2 • Quick summary


“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain

Exercising when you’re over 60 and staying healthy

Looking after your health and well-being is an essential part of living a long and fruitful life. The older we age, the easier it is to neglect our health and physical activities, causing a number of detrimental issues to your body, mind and lifestyle. Volume Two hopes to reinforce this through case studies, research and scientific support from industry experts, as well as uncover the myths behind exercise, alcohol and diet.

We hope to provide you with the right information and insights on health and well-being to inspire you to change your routine and lifestyle, or to further reinforce that you’re on the right path and why it’s important to continue your efforts.

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2.1 | Exercising at 60 years and over

  • What are the benefits of being active daily?
  • Staying fit through exercise. But remember to enjoy yourself!
  • Setting goals and logging achievements
  • Set a schedule first so you don’t find excuses
  • OK, so you have a schedule and have set goals. How much should you push yourself?
  • Finding your correct training range for endurance exercises
  • Examples of physical activity that meet the guidelines
  • Infographic: Physical activity benefits for adults and older adults
  • Laughter Regulates Genes

  • How to improve your endurance
  • Counting your steps
  • Water, water, water!
  • Ways to measure your effort
  • Word of caution if you’ve been inactive for some time
  • 12 Myths About Exercise and Older Adults
  • Case Studies
    • Case Study: Different kinds of physical activity shown to improve brain volume, cut Alzheimer’s risk in half
    • Case Study: Exercise curbs your hunger, study shows

2.2 | Staying healthy after 60

  • Why you should want to stay healthy
  • Health benefits from eating well
  • Quick tips
  • New studies give more proof organic foods are far superior for health and wellness
  • Handy tip for eating out
  • Dietary supplements and are they safe?
  • Case Studies
    • Case Study: Healthy lifestyle advice provides long-term benefits
    • Case Study: Various research results showing greater benefits in organic foods

  • Smoking
    • Smoking, and why you need to quit
    • Why does smoking causes a rise in blood pressure?
    • How does smoking relate to risk of a heart attack and atherosclerosis?
    • Still not convinced? Here are some more reasons to quit smoking
    • The benefits of quitting smoking – Timeline
    • Infographics on smoking
  • Alcohol and health
    • The BAD
      • 12 conditions linked to chronic heavy drinking
    • The GOOD
      • Health benefits as a moderate drinker
      • 7 health benefits Of drinking alcohol

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