Reach more Australian’s aged over 60

Grow your profile, enhance your brand and promote your product or service to Australian’s aged 60 years and over.

Launched in 2017, the 60+Club brand seeks to inspire, educate, entertain and connect its readers. Our website provides the Over 60s with fresh, thought-provoking, topical content around health and wellbeing.

60+Club has built an engaging relationship with its readers by producing age-old research with new ideas through easily accessible channels.

Our audience engagement comprises both print and digital channels, including downloadable PDF eBooks, online feature articles, specialist webpages, blog articles, emails and social media.

With more than a quarter of Australians over the age of 50, they have 46% of our combined disposable income and 50% of our private wealth and yet, many organisations and brands underestimate the opportunity in targeting our Over-60s audience.

For more information on how 60+Club can help your brand reach more Over 60s, or to view our Media Kit – contact us today.

Advertising Channels

We understand the Over-60s demographic holds just under half of Australia’s disposable wealth but are somewhat forgotten when it comes to advertising campaigns.

– Homepage
– Blogs portal
– Blog posts
– Specialty pages
– Feature pages
– Famous quotes wall
Be+Social page
– Olden days image gallery collection
– Daily chess and crosswords pages

Emails & Social
– Monthly newsletters
– Solus emails
– Facebook reach

– x4 Volumes
– x9 Chapters
– Online Scams eBook special
– Quotes special insert

Who should advertise with us?

Product examples

  • Online shopping: Clothing, fashion, furnishings
  • Shopping local: Brand name fashion
  • Health, beauty & vitamins
  • Electronic & technology devices
  • Exercise equipment, instructional videos and exercise products
  • Travel & holiday tours
  • Boats, cars, caravans & motorhomes
  • Books, magazines, memorabilia
  • Sporting goods / products & memberships
  • Tools, arts & crafts
Media Kit enquiry | Products

Service examples

  • Wine, dine & entertainment
  • Health & beauty
  • Healthcare, medicine & dental
  • Personal care, fitness & leisure
  • Aged care, retirement living, over 50 villages
  • Real estate (i.e. downsizing), renovations & home loans
  • Holiday travel & booking agency
  • Financial, insurance, tax & superannuation
  • Lifestyle, dating, general advice
  • Volunteering, donations, memberships
Media Kit enquiry | Services

Demographic Snapshot

92% of our readers are 55 years and older, with the majority being female (62%).

– Male: 38%
– Female: 62%

Age groups
– 65+: 56%
– 55-64: 37%
– 45-54: 6%
– < 44: 1%

Geographic Snapshot

State locations
– NSW: 32.5%
– Qld: 24.5%
– Vic: 23%
– WA: 9.5%
– SA: 7%
– ACT: 2%
– Tas: 1%
– NT: 0.5%

Happy clients

“Advertising with 60+Club has been a smarter way for us to reach our target audience by placing less pressure on the business to advertise in the right channels. Our brand aligns well with the content that 60+Club publishes – and as a result, we’ve achieved solid results and a higher number of quality leads.”
Mike O’Connell, Head of Sales, Island Breeze Resort

“We’ve generated a tremendous amount of enquiries from the baby boomers since advertising with 60+ Club. The team are very professional and work hard to understand your business needs and communicate their recommendations with you.”
Samuel White, Chief Operating Officer, iInstall TV Specialists

Engaging audience.
Quality over quantity

60+Club subscribers are growing daily. And whilst our numbers may not stack against the larger players (yet), our strength is our engaged audience. With a zest for engaging ideas and insights, our readers rely on us to share helpful insights, information, the inside-scoops from health and medical professionals, newsworthy and relevant research studies, medical journal publications, case studies and regular policy, news and regulatory announcements related to over 60s.

Additionally, our range of eBook topics and chapters provide tailored content aligned with your product or service, of which targets an audience of those 60 years and over.

60+Club provides a range of channels to help you promote your brand to Australian’s aged 60 years and over.

Request Media Kit

Market your brand & content in our eBooks

eBook Specs & Exclusivity

We provide four eBooks as separate volumes or as an all-in-one, titled ‘9 proven ways to improve your health & wellbeing’. We offer branding opportunities within each volume across a variety of advert options. More on these below.

eBook Volumes

Volume One: 38 pages
– Laughter, smiles, and being positive

Volume Two: 37 pages
– Looking after your health and wellbeing after 60

Volume Three: 36 pages
– The Why’s of Goodness

Volume Four: 47 pages
– Relaxing your mind and boosting your memory

Advert Specs
– Front cover insert
– Full page
– Half page horizontal
– Half page vertical
– Qtr page square
– Horizontal strip

Your brand/logo on each page with access of various splices of adverts littered throughout the full eBook.

Full Exclusivity
Enjoy our eBook as if it were yours. Market the eBook for your own promotions & distribution channels, including your brand/logo, adverts, content etc. We’ll also remove it from our website until the exclusivity period finishes. Enquire for more info.

Enquire here   View eBooks

Australia’s population is ageing

There are over 1.3 million Australians aged 60 to 64.
There are 664,000 more Australians now aged over 65 than there were 5 years ago – a total of 3.67 million or 22%.
And there are 449,000 people aged 65 to 74 – a 27% increase on 2011.

For more information on how 60+Club can help your brand reach more Over 60s, or to view our Media Kit, contact us today.

While you’re here, subscribe to our newsletter

Fast facts
about Australia’s Over 60s

As our baby-boomer generation matures’, we find that 1 in 6 of us are now over 65, compared to 1 in 7 in 2011 and only 1 in 25 in 1911.

There are 1.3 million Australians aged 60 to 64.

There are 664,000 more Australians now aged over 65 than there were 5 years ago; a total of 3.67 million or 22% of Australians.

Of the 22% of Australians aged over 65, there are 449,000 people aged 65 to 74, a 27% increase on 2011.

An astounding 1.3 million jobs have been added in net terms to the 55 years and over age group, representing a 129% increase.

In addition, net growth in the 60-64 job market since 2000 has been 165%.

Between the 2006 and 2011 censuses the number of employers/self-employed aged 60 years and over increased by 49,000.

There are 84,000 more people aged 85 years and older than there were in 2011. Today, people who are 85 years and older comprise 2.1% of our resident population.

Tasmania recorded the biggest percentage increase in the 65-and-over age group, with the number increasing from 12.2% (or 58,000 people) in 1993 to 17.3% (or 89,000 people) in 2013.

Baby boomers aged 55 and over make up 27% of Australia’s population but hold more than half of the nation’s wealth, 56% to be exact.

Contact us